Since its establishment in 1909, the flange factory Hüttental has been the source of every important invention and impulse which contributes to the rational and precision production of quality flanges, rings and connectors made of steel and stainless steel.
The success story continues without interruption: the material for the steel and stainless steel flanges or rings is delivered in bars and is melted together, perfectly using currently unique computer technology that even an ultrasonic testing device is unable to find a welded joint.
Welded flanges, aluminium flanges, welded rings and stainless steel flanges, all products leaving our house are produced and certified pursuant to DIN EN 9001:2008.
We bear part of your responsibility for your plant safety in rail and road vehicles, wind turbines and construction plant or in pipes for gas and water with our flanges and rings. And guarantee the required safety standards for DIN, EURO-Norm, TÜV, ÖNORM, DB and other certification bodies by way of test certificates.
Contact us for a reference offer! That is sure to convince you. Guaranteed!
Whether smooth flanges, container construction flanges, unusual flanges or stainless steel flanges: contact us and request our offer for comparison!
Our quality is your peace of mind!
We are certified in accordance with DIN EN 9001:2008.
We at flange factory Hüttental have been producing special flanges, flat flanges and other flanges customised for our customers for more than 100 years. Quality and experience in flange production speak a clear language, as you can see.